27 July 2014 is SKE48 Team E member Matsui Rena's 23rd Birthday, Matsu Rena celebrated her birthday with fans and members at Team E live performance.
Before the live performance, Matsui Rena suddenly made an announcement, was it graduation announcement? Actually it was a false graduation announcement, Rena just said she was just graduated from 22 years old to 23 years old, and at the end, SKE48 Ace Matsui Jurina made a surprise appearance to celebrate with Matsui Rena. It was a great surprise to Double Matsui fans too!
Rena sudden announcement?!
22 years old graduation only (to 23 years old)
Who is the surprise birthday guest?
Oh! The surprise birthday guest is Matsui Jurina
Matsui Jurina was reading the letter
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