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» » Maeda Atsuko involved in minor car accident

Former AKB48 member Maeda Atsuko (前田敦子) had a minor car accident with a taxi when she was driving her car in private. Maeda Atsuko, taxi driver and taxi passenger was not injured in the accident at 19 July 2015.

Maeda Atsuko apologizes through her agency to the people involved at 20 July 2015.

Reference: Sponichi Annex

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6 意見

  1. Good thing it was minor. Phew.
    Maybe the news of her being in Mgsk caused it.

  2. The very first thing that came to my mind was remembering this...

    -Director: So you want manual or automatic transmission?
    -Acchan: Oh, I know what MT is, it's the one that goes 'gachan-gachan' back and forward. AT goes 'gachan-gachan' all over the place.
    -Director:, it's the other way around.
    -Acchan: Ok, I want MT because it looks cooler then.

    And now, cuts the scene into the newscaster of the post saying "...and that's how the accident happened".

  3. Oh, sorry, my bad.

  4. Re: Rika A
    oh sorry, I didn't mean to...
    Well, I just wanna explain Japanese culture is different with other countries'. Sorry made you misunderstanding, my fault

  5. No, no, it was a serious situation and I joked about it. It's not appropriate what I typed. You didn't need to apologize and you had every right to correct me.

  6. @Rika A
    Oh come on, nobody here wants or expects any of the girls to be injured; and nobody got hurt anyway (what Paul was alluding as serious is the possible public image of 'uncaring', 'careless' or 'unskilled', these are VERY bad traits there). I also made a joke, remembering AKB Motor Club.

    I'm willing to bet even the cars barely noticed anything unusual... with Tokyo streets/lanes being so narrow, often jammed, and also their speed limit is pretty low compared to other cities in the world.
