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» » » » » AKB48 General Election 2015, Sashihara Rino takes lead in Preliminary Results

AKB48 General Election official website has published the preliminary results of AKB48 41st Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo, HKT48 member Sashihara Rino gets 38,151 votes and takes 4,725 votes lead over the 2nd place Kashiwagi Yuki.

General Election Preliminary Results revealed

Top 16 members
  1. Sashihara Rino (38,151 votes)
  2. Kashiwagi Yuki (33,426 votes)
  3. Watanabe Mayu (29,924 votes)
  4. Matsui Jurina (26,901 votes)
  5. Yamamoto Sayaka (22,532 votes)
  6. Takahashi Minami (21,900 votes)
  7. Shimazaki Haruka (17,921 votes)
  8. Kodama Haruka (15,722 votes)
  9. Shibata Aya (15,667 votes)
  10. Kitahara Rie (14,476 votes)
  11. Tani Marika (14,324 votes)
  12. Miyawaki Sakura (13,169 votes)
  13. Miyazawa Sae (12,225 votes)
  14. Matsumura Kaori (11,746 votes)
  15. Fuchigami Mai (11,637 votes)
  16. Takayanagi Akane (11,382 votes)

Reference: AKB48 General Election official website

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    25 意見

    1. Oh no !!! Mayuyu isn't 1 .... And many member senbatsu of the last year aren't in the senbatsu preliminary results this year ...

    2. Takamina in 6th is a bit of a disappointment, also no Wasamin and no Oba in the top 80 is was disheartening, but several days to go and after the first day last year Sashi was in first place too.

    3. Tani Marika in 11 pleas this joke hahahaha i dont believe hahahaha this year we well see many new meber in senbtse iam exsating

    4. so, even though its her last, they still don't give her a chance huh...
      will wait for the final result...

    5. Anonymous5/20/2015

      I'm pretty happy to see Marika in the ranking, though I'm surprised she's 11th. I thought she was going to rank a bit lower. Her fellow former HKT members were extremely happy for her and the SKE girls seemed pretty shocked.

      I'm also hoping Churi will keep herself in Senbatsu. I'm really tired of seeing her as an undergirl. :c

    6. Anonymous5/20/2015

      Congrats to Sasshi seem that Yukirin will be a great contender this year...
      Paruru result were low :( need wotas help votes more...
      TKMN aim for 1st the final result will be a shock.

    7. It has been interesting to see the members reactions on the various social media platforms.
      Oba on Twitter "It was a shame I was not ranked, but I will hear my name called on June 6th, I will not give up, for those that voted for me, thank you"
      Takamina on 755 "I was disappointed, I still want first place, the members in the top 5 are very formidable"

    8. I'm not surprise with this kind of result. 1st preliminary doesn't really mean a thing, it will only make another members' oshi whose result didn't come out as expected become more eager to vote.
      Some unexpected members who ranked high like Tani Marika or Fuchigami Mai will gradually get kicked out from senbatsu I believe.

      (Sorry for my poor grammar XD)

    9. Anonymous5/20/2015

      I feel it's probably quite a long shot but I hope Yukirin wins this time around. I think she's done enough for the 48G to warrant at least a top position at least once before she graduates (which I fear is not far off). Oh well...

    10. Last Sousenkyou for Karen...

    11. Anonymous5/21/2015

      Yukirin will be new Quuen..poor Paruru stll dont have strong base / wota help her to top..but still hope Paruru go top 5.

    12. I have great hopes about Takamina, last year she was 13th or 14th in the preliminary result but she managed to get 4 places up !

    13. Last year she had 9000 votes on the preliminary, this year she wouldn't have been in the sembatsu !! And last year with the same amount of vote she would have been 4th ! I believe x)

    14. Amina8885/21/2015

      I'm pretty shocked Kojima Mako is not on the list at all. I'm very happy about Iwata Karen, I wish she will rank this year. I was hoping Miyawaki Sakura will rank higher, but I still believe she has a real chance making it into Kami 7. Kodama Haruka did increadibly well I'm sure she will place in senbatsu this year! Also Tani Marika's - amazing! So happy, she's great! XD

    15. Akimoto Yasushi has mutated into an idiot. Baka. The current election format was initially needed, to establish the new sister groups, but it has served it purpose, and must now be discarded for the good of all the 48 groups, all the girls, and all the fans.

      Each sister group must have its own election, rather than having a single election with all the sister groups participating. There are too many girls now, after the expansion. The sister groups have established themselves well enough to stand on their own feet in their own elections.

      The current format is truly unfair to all the girls in all the groups. In an all AKB48 election, Takamina would be 3rd rather than 6th, Yokoyama Yui would be 4th instead of 20th. Minami Minegishi would be 18th, not 60th. Miorin would place in the top 5 in NMB48 in their own election, but instead, she isn't even ranked. Lemon-chan must be in tears. Her fans also. Miyawaki Sakura would be 2nd, not 12th.

      This very unfair to all the girls, and all the fans. It is baka, idiocy in terms of the future of the 48 groups, because 1) you want happy fans, not irritated fans. 2) it does not allow the Kenkyuusei to advance and gain exposure, and when girls graduate, the fans therefore do not have a replacement oshimen. 3) it erodes the peace of mind of the older generation girls who fall far down the rankings, and many will graduate early as a result. 4) It goes against the principle of why the sister groups were created in the first place, more areas having their own theater and their own girls. 5) It makes most of the girls depressed. Happy girls perform better, depressed girls perform poorly and graduate too early. 6) It generates considerable negative energies through the anger of the fans and the misery of the girls, and throws away the valuable positive energy that should have been gained.

      If the practice continues, it will leave 48 in a far worse future position, as older generation girls graduate without their replacements having gotten enough exposure to endear themselves to the fans. Ota Aika and Oba Mina don't even place? This is truly inexcusable. The only bright side I found in this election is that Iwata Karen finally placed, which is long overdue. I had looked forward to watching the election June 6th, but my enthusiasm has greatly diminished.

      Let each 48 group do their own election for their own Senbatsu single, then, have another election with the top 20 Senbatsu girls from each group, 80 girls as it currently stands, and elect 20 of them to make an AKB48 Super-Senbatsu single.

      When a new group forms (NGT48), allow them to participate in the other group's elections for 3 years, the companion group for a given year to be determined by Janken.

      Everyone will be a lot happier, and the 48 group's futures will be far better served and secured.

    16. Anonymous5/21/2015

      Dont worry, Last year Nyan got 17th on preliminary results and got 8th on final results. The power of wotas.

    17. Anonymous5/21/2015

      The system was made by fans for fans. Don't get this wrong because you joined the 48G vvery late, you might not know this.
      Every year you can see that 1/3 of the votes go to the unranked girls, so they do know they have fans and the handshake tickets show it even more. :)
      KKS have the chance to place and get the attention they need but they need to put more effort in the short time, because their senpai spend years to get the attention.
      Old gens who are lacking passion get a lower ranking... that's natural. Idols are supposed to be young, cute, role-models and if you get older you realize that you want more than this. Love, family and another challenge are the main reason to quit.
      Preliminary results mean nothing... just for the girls who had gotten 10k votes(they always rank). So stop bashing the Sousenkyo!

    18. Anonymous5/21/2015

      The Sousenkyo was created by MANAGEMENT due to complaints from fans that AKI-P and TGSK has no idea what they where doing when picking senbatsu members...Every year fans spend Thousands of dollars to vote for members and its completely pointless...sure they rank for one single but right after management drops these fan favorites for the girls they want to push...Look at Sato Amina she rank 8th in the 1st Sousenkyo and she didn't get back into another Senbatsu until Heavy Rotation while other girls made those Senbastu singles but ranked way lower in the Sousenkyo....I love the members of the 48G but Management makes me sick until fans pick every senbatsu the system will be flawed....

    19. Anonymous5/21/2015

      IMO, to have fans pick every single single's Senbatsu is probably not as ideal as we'd like to think either. I mean, it's (very) likely we'll be seeing the same line-up for a long list of singles before any changes take place. Even then, it might only be the last few that gets swapped out. The freshness will certainly be a problem in that case.

    20. I am disappointed by the fandom... Takamina on 6th place, no sense of gratitude.

      And I'm also starting to agree with AKB0048Fan, maybe some separation of the elections could be used, there are indeed too many girls now; the ratio of people in senbatsu, vs the ammount of people "forgotten" is too high.

      But then again, it could be a problem of perspective, and the way on how to look, and what to expect of the elections has changed. With all the groups having their own singles\tv programs\events in a steady release, the general elections could have it's status "lowered" and be viewed as just another 48G event, instead of a over-powered, all-mighty, make-or-break careers event.

      I would like a middle term of these 2 perspectives, making the elections separated for each group, then using a top 3 or top 4 (or a percentage of the sister group in relation to the total of people in the 48G) of each group to make a "commemorative single"

    21. I am also disappointed by the fandom... Takamina in 6th place, Minami Minegishi, 60th place. No sense of gratitude. Both 1st generation girls, and this is Takamina's last year... after all she has done for 48. It is sad, the lack of respect and gratitude.

    22. @AKB0048Fan

      I didn't even mention Miichan in 60th since she is my Kami-oshi, so I'm biased towards her. And I have to admit she had a paler year compared to previous ones... but 60th is still too low!

    23. 60th is really too low. I suspect it is just a technical aberration, and she will place higher come June 6th. I hope this is also true for my Oshimen Miorin and my Oshimen Miki Nishino, and that they will place in the final count. Sad lemon is not good. When Lemon-chan is happy, everyone around her is also happy. I hope it doesn't work the same when she is sad... :(

    24. Anonymous5/26/2015

      I am a Miichan Wota but it's her own fault. She hasn't done alot this year and never took the spotlight :I (I really hate this, but reality is cruel)
      Miichan, Takamina and Nyannyan are already rewarded for their hard work with the most A-sides, so 1 more or less isn't just that bad :P I guess Takamina gets her A-side in autumn anyway.
      And I have to admit that everyone who says "management" did the Sousenkyo is just uninformed. The official AKB48 fanclub tried to invent a system that gives the fans an opportunity to take part in AKB48. Later on AKS and Aki-p approved the suggestion.
      (Note: Management is every agency and they are rivals in term of making and promoting their "stars" so it can't be always the "managements fault")

      AND calm down! It's just the prelimary results :D and my good news is that over 1 million singles are for the theatre edition *_* and it features Takamina x Yui duo! I hope with that they rank high!
