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» » » » » Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai first day sold 1,472,375 copies

AKB48 40th Single song "Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai" (僕たちは戦わない) first day sold 1,472,375 copies, and rank no. 1 at Oricon daily chart at 19 May 2015, the single has been released at 20 May 2015.

Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai first day sold 1,472,375 copies

Reference: ORICON style

Order Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai at CDJapan:

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14 意見

  1. Anonymous5/20/2015

    Nooooooo.... :/ lol

  2. Anonymous5/20/2015

    Quite surprising without KojiHaru and Rena not taking part, and all the other graduated members they pull off the greatest first day sales every in AKB48 history. This gonna be a fierceful fight!

  3. Anonymous5/20/2015

    Congratulations to the sales record !!! This indeed a good song Ganbatte AKB48 !

  4. Anonymous5/20/2015

    Congrats. Although I feel they bought those cds to get sousenkyo voting right #lol. But this song is good without doubt. Once again congrats ^^

  5. the song and mv is great... dance performance is cool too.

  6. Anonymous5/20/2015

    >Although I feel they bought those cds to get sousenkyo voting right #lol

    Well it's the truth. CDs with sousenkyo voting right always sold like hot cakes, and it's always sold far more than the sousenkyo single itself lol!
    I think this single is 100x better than Sayonara Crawl.

  7. Still trying hard to figure out the Music Video for the song.

    Why does Paruru turn into a bird again?

    1. Anonymous5/22/2015

      ikr i still cant understand that part. it was great up till that bird part. maybe as a sign to show the will power to stop or to get the strength to continue fighting? idk i am really lost on it

  8. Amina8885/21/2015

    This single is great, but Sayonara Crawl was also nice. What wasn't good was Labrador Retriever... That song was just so... not good. And Kojima Haruna was right that outfits for Labrador Retriever with that dog on the top were just stupid.

  9. It is a great song, I also wondered what was with the bird transformation, but I really want to know why wasn't Takamina's weapon a giant metal hair bow?

    all of the B-Sides are pretty strong. I especially enjoyed the Kafka song for the literary references to "metamorphosis"

  10. Anonymous5/21/2015

    Well, as a song, Labrador Retriever made my playlist, but Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai never will. As a video, I'll take beaches, sunny days and dogs over post-apocalyptic nonsense any day. As a dance, BwT is just awkward. From the live performances, I'm not sure anyone but Paruru actually knows the dance. Nonetheless, I have 12 copies of BwT and only 4 of LR. So, yes, it's about the votes!

  11. Anonymous5/21/2015

    I like Labrador Retriever way more than Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai, and I agree that BwT dance is awkward.

  12. Sorry if it is of topic. I like Lab Ret.more. LR grew on me and became one of my favorites. Plus, Jurina licks herself in it.

    I may need Professor Tyson to explain what happens in BwT. He helped me a lot in understanding LR last year.

  13. Anonymous6/21/2015

    The bird part was something about realizing something and being reborn something like that, what the MV is something about "fighting isn't the way" something like that or "fighting is useless"
