AKB48 6th album "ここがロドスだ、ここで跳べ!" info updated
AKB48 6th album's title has been announced: "ここがロドスだ、ここで跳べ!" (Koko ga Rhodes da, koko de tobe! Literally meaning 'Here is Rhodes, Jump here!'), the concept is from Aesop's Fables, and it has revealed more information, it will be released at 21 January 2015.
AKB48 6th album will be 2CD format (note: Type-A limited version will has additional DVD), Disc1 has total 13 tracks including Ai no Sonzai (愛の存在), Heart Eleki (ハート・エレキ), Suzukake Nanchara (鈴懸なんちゃら), Mae Shika Mukanee (前しか向かねえ), Labrador Retriever, Kokoro no Placard (心のプラカード) and Reborn, Disc 2 has total 24 tracks including 20 brand new song, track details will be announced later.
AKB48 6th album will have 4 edition:
Type A (Limited edition)
Format: 2CD+DVD
Unit price: 3,500 yen (tax excluded)
DVD: Juujun na Slave (従順なSlave) MV, Hajimete no Drive (初めてのドライブ) MV, Loneliness Club MV, 47 no Suteki na Machi e (47の素敵な街へ) MV and Reborn MV
Features: Kojima Haruna (小嶋陽菜), Miyawaki Sakura (宮脇咲良), Yamamoto Sayaka (山本彩) and Watanabe Mayu (渡辺麻友) new solo song
Type A (Regular edition)
Format: 2CD
Unit price: 2,800 yen (tax excluded)
Features: Kashiwagi Yuki (柏木由紀), Sashihara Rino (指原莉乃), Takahashi Minami (高橋みなみ) and Matsui Jurina (松井珠理奈) new solo song
Type B
Format: 2CD
Unit price: 2,800 yen (tax excluded)
Theatre Edition
Format: 1CD
Unit price: 2,200 yen (tax excluded)
Pre-order at CD Japan:

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