Matsui Jurina asked Kitagawa Ryoha: How will you lead SKE48 from now on?
SKE48 CENTER Matsui Jurina (松井珠理奈) asked another member Kitagawa Ryoha (北川綾巴) her thinking about being CENTER of SKE48 on 755.
Matsui Jurina: Kitagawa Ryoha chan, How will you lead SKE48 from now on?? Do you have the passion to keep being CENTER of SKE48 from now on??
Matsui Jurina (松井珠理奈) is ACE of SKE48 and concurrent member of AKB48. Kitagawa Ryoha is SKE48 next generation member, she was one of W-CENTER of SKE48's 16th Single "December Kangaroo".
Note: Matsui Jurina left this comment on the "SKE48 no Aidoru PRIDE" (SKE48 new program on Ameba Studio platform) 755 interactive TALK.
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